Having small breasts may cause you to feel unhappy with your body. While weight gain and estrogen can cause breasts to increase, neither is an optimal way of increasing your cup size. Here at our Los Angeles office, Dr. Aronowitz performs specialized breast augmentation surgeries that can help you get the bust you want. Learn more about the procedure and how to get started by connecting with our office today.

Breast Augmentation Candidates
Good candidates for breast augmentation are women whose breasts are significantly smaller than they would like them to be and not unduly droopy. If the breasts are also quite droopy, a breast augmentation can still be performed, but a mastopexy (breast lift) may also need to be performed during the same procedure.
Breast Augmentation Procedure
The augmentation procedure can be performed in several ways. A general anesthetic is usually used if the implants are inserted beneath the muscle. Breast augmentation can also be performed under local anesthesia and sedation, which is rarely done. This treatment is an outpatient procedure and can involve using natural fat (extracted from other parts of the body) and various types of implants.
During the surgery, the breast implants are inserted through either an incision around the lower border of the nipple, an incision in the skin fold below the breast, or an incision in the armpit. The choice of incision and breast size is largely a matter of preference.
Treatment Outcome
It’s common to experience some discomfort after the surgery. If the implant has been put beneath the muscles, the pain is more severe, and pain may occur upon moving the arms. Typically there is not a great deal of bruising or swelling. You should be able to return to work in 2-3 days if the implants are above the muscle or 7-10 days if they are below. However, you must avoid strenuous activity for 2-6 weeks.
Dr. Aronowitz’s Results
Schedule a Breast Augmentation Surgery in Los Angeles, CA
Breast augmentation can be an excellent option if you are unhappy with the size of your breasts. Dr. Aronowitz can perform this procedure here in the comfort of our Los Angeles office. To get started, simply fill out and submit the schedule form below or give our office a call by dialing (310) 659-0705.