A ruptured implant can cause pain, firmness, swelling, and other serious complications. If you’ve had breast augmentation and are experiencing any of these issues, it’s important that you seek help right away. Leaking implants can be removed and replaced through a simple surgical procedure by Dr. Aronowitz. With over 30 years of experience in plastic surgery, Dr. Aronowitz can give you the immediate attention you need to ensure that you remain healthy. Request your appointment at our Los Angeles office now.

What Causes Implants to Leak?
Many things can cause leaking implants. Some of the most common causes include impacts to the breast, surgical errors, cracks that develop over time, or pressure exerted during a mammogram. Saline and silicone implants are equally vulnerable to implant rupture, though the implications differ for each type.
Surgical Options for Leaking Implants
An implant replacement procedure is the best option for addressing leaking implants. This surgery is commonly performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, Dr. Aronowitz starts by making an incision around the circle of the areola or under the lower fold of your breasts. He will then remove the implants and scar tissue and add the new implants. Stitches, tape, or skin adhesives will be used to close the incisions.
What Results Can I Expect?
A special support bra or compression garment needs to be worn for several weeks after the procedure. This will help reduce swelling. You may also have small tubes called drains placed under your skin. These tubes will drain excess fluid and blood. The tubes can be removed after a few days. It is important to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks following the implant replacement procedure.
Schedule Surgery for Leaking Implants in Los Angeles, CA
If you’ve noticed pain, inflammation, or other issues after breast augmentation, you may have an implant leak. Dr. Aronowitz can address this issue here at our office and help you feel comfortable again. Learn more about implant revision surgery by filling out and submitting the schedule form below or calling our office at (310) 659-0705.