When most people think about improving their breasts, their first thought is usually about breast augmentation — colloquially a “boob job.” But beautiful breasts encompass so much more than just size.

Obtaining your ideal breasts is a matter of size, shape, symmetry, and location. For many people, a breast lift actually produces the best results, not an augmentation. A breast lift doesn’t significantly alter the size of your breasts, but the procedure involves reshaping the breast tissue by removing excess, stretched skin.

If you’re considering a breast lift, here are 5 things that may make you a good candidate:

You feel your breasts have lost their shape

Many women become unhappy with the shape of their breasts after significant weight loss, childbirth, or other life events. If you feel that your breasts are unshapely or have lost their volume, you might consider getting a breast lift.  

Your breasts are flat or elongated

Do your nipples point downward or fall beneath the crease of your breast when unsupported? If so, a breast lift may benefit you. Flat or elongated breasts drive many women to seek breast lift surgery. Dr. Aronowitz can evaluate the condition of your breasts to determine how a breast lift can help you.

The skin on your breasts is stretched

For many, the sole goal of a breast lift is to remove excess or stretched-out skin. Removing that excess skin restores your breasts’ perkiness and youthfulness and results in more aesthetically pleasing breasts. Plus, removing excess skin also often helps swimsuits and bras fit more comfortably.

Your breasts are uneven

Many people undergo a breast lift procedure because their breasts are asymmetrical, or one breast sits lower than the other. A skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Aronowitz can reconstruct your breast tissue so that you leave your procedure with even, shapely breasts.

You’re in good health

The most important factor in undergoing breast lift surgery is that you are in good health prior to your procedure. If you don’t have any medical or health conditions that may preclude you from cosmetic surgery, then you’re likely a good candidate for breast lift surgery.

Some conditions that may prevent you from getting a breast lift include:

  • Family or personal history of breast cancer
  • Bleeding or clotting disorders, such as deep vein thrombosis
  • Smoking or other nicotine and tobacco use
  • Obesity

Getting a breast lift

If you’re in the Los Angeles area and are unhappy with the shape, appearance, or symmetry of your breasts, call Dr. Aronowitz or request an appointment online. During your consultation, you and Dr. Aronowitz discuss your medical history, your goals for breast lift surgery, and your surgery options to determine whether you’re a good candidate for a breast lift.